Sunday, January 28, 2007
eating makes me fat.listening to music makes it worse.there's nothing on tv.internet is shopping doesnt kill it.homework is the last thing on the list.sleep, but it's too early and im not tired.shit.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
soya sauce!
hahaha. IT'S LONG SINCE I BLOGGED. ok not long but long enough to forget some stuff.
anyway. lately, [ive been tryna fight whatevers pulli-] k no. i was saying.
lately, ive been sleeping a lot. the other day i slept at 8.30pm!
and i didnt wake up since then. okay it's not like i died. but i slept through the night. and i didnt even do anything in the day.
and then yesterday was like BREAKTHROUGH!
[[sidetracking: my mum is anxious with the sg-my game. stop it mummy. it's just a game.]]
how cool is that. i went town with jocelyn! :D
we ate at swensens. sadly, we didnt spot any gorgeous people ytd. but it was fun! we searched for bags and shirts. wheee. i loveeeeee jocelyn. i know you love me too, bitch.
SHIIIIIIIIIT. my mum just screamed cos lionel saved the penalty. K MUMMY. they won! :D
tmr is giving out flyers day. after that i wanna visit my house. means i gotta bring keys. :D
and im probably shifting on tenth feb. that's when the fridge, the sofa, the beds and the televisions will be delivered. :D
okay. time to chill again. SEE YA!
ohyes. DIANAHHHHHHH: i guess i'll be seeing you at love fiesta! :D COME SLACK WITH ME OKAY. shut up and die your cookies. HAHAHAHAHAH. you belanja me lahhhhhhh. HEHE. okay loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
i like tdy. I RLY LOVE TDY!
my mummy and i went shopping ALONE. without those irritating annoying males who dont appreciate the joy of treating yourself to pleasure and happiness.
whoo! im serious my mum's a joy to be with!
anyway. we left home at twelve plus after i made prate for myself and bro. he should really thank me for being such a kind and wonderful sister to have made him breakfast.
went to riverview hotel for the mng warehouse sale. OMMMMMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGODDDD.
i tell you the clothes they put on the racks were like from 1879 B.C. especially the pants they were selling! zomg. you should see!
but eventually we left the place with 3 tops. cos they look like 2005. still not so bad.
then we were at the bus stop. my mum was like "why the bus doesnt go in front of tangs! shall we walk to great world and take a bus? or do you have money to sponsor a cab ride?"
my mum's such a busybody! but in a good way. she saw this pakistani couple and ask them where they were going and offered to give directions.
HELLO-O! AUNTY AH. you are at somewhere we both are unfamiliar with and you want to help them with public transport ah?
they were going bugis st. so she said "oh we're going orchard. you can come with us and take the train from there."
okkkkkkkk so she's a nice woman after all. wtf. she's my mother! of course she takes the trait from me! :D lunch was another story. i dont know what i said but she had the impression that i was gonna pay! so she brought me to this indon restaurant to eat. we were almost finishing and she asked: "so! do you have enough cash to pay?" what did you say?? "you got enough cash not?cos i got no money" i have. eh how come im paying ah? "you said just now you were paying what. that's why i brought you here. otherwise we'd be at some hawker centre alr!" she said it so seriously, i started laughing like mad la. since when i said i was paying?! so i paid like 1/3 while she paid the other. super i was gonna claim from my dad.
then we bought this sugar cane with peppermint. it was
TOOTHPASTE TASTING DRINK! it was like drinking diluted toothpaste. then my mum suggested people watching. usually we dont do this. but she wanted so we sat and started scrutinizing and bitching about the some and their dressing. OMG. there was a heck lot of fashion disasters lahhhhh. even my grandmother has better fashion sense!
we sat until we finished the we did some last minute signing of the credit. and left for home.
I <3333333 my mum!
Thursday, January 18, 2007
oh peacocks can fly i learn.
statement to ponder:
"Nurul, are you ok?"
"I'm perfect."
"Because people who smile to themselves has a lot of problems."
"I'm perfect."thank you for your concern, sir.
i guess so; laugh it to drown it.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
mood: hakuna matata.
i was sneezing non stop ytd. and it was ZOMG painful. I shall learn how to sneeze without making so much noise. BUT IT HURTSSSSSSSSS.
tdy however was perfect! i was a healthy cucumber.
anyway. srsly i think the class needs to revamp.
SHIT. i forgot to ask tan hoe teck about my nyaa skill shit. shit. im running out of time. even my 2.4 has more tiME. K! wtf. ignore ignore.
okay back to track. yesssss.
"List a few things you want to say to a few people that you know (or not), but you know you will never say these things to them. Do not reveal who the comment is meant for."
i wanted to do that.but i shant. it's actually good for the body mind and soul. and i wanna emoooo. i shall look for emo songs? HAHA
im no emo person, right?
and i should be neutral to everyone and stop bitching.
oh by the way,
EH bitch.we srsly need to look for tution right? maths and chem. i want sunday morning only. or maybe saturday if i cant weekdays. but weekdays, i dont mind wednesday nights only. HAHA. HMM. i need cheap ones so that i dont drain my parents.
p/s. DIANAH! ehhhhhhh. 3rd feb right your carnival? i dont think i can sia. shit means i cant go musart either. CRAAAAAAAAP. hmm. anywayyyyyy. you know you'll [and the other two makneneks] i ask untuk korang datang ah. by chinese new year. SO COME AH WHEN I CALL! HAHAH. i'll be nearer to faz i think! <333.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
it was all homework tdy.
but i need help! who wants to help me do 3 econs articles? :D
*im hoping that lots of hands are frantically waving in the air.FAT daddy's gonna sell away this place. EHHHHH. i like this place.
soon, there'll be no more flower shops to visit that are only across the road.
stop it la.
the class has a
new bed! and two throw pillows and 4 mirrors and a clock.what's next?
electric kettle, more throw pillows, carpet, beanbags, slippers, a small cupboard to keep all that toiletry and a rack to hang dirty clothes and towels.IT'S A
GOODNIGHT! time to chill, baby.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007

schl has gone into the second week! ZOMG. pms-ing. shit.
anyway. im gonna help my mum to set up some blog to allow her to post her beautiful photos of her beautiful cakes/cookies/cupcakes whatever.
she basically wants sell them. really. she makes nice cookies. and im gonna learn from her. wait. it's brainless.
i think im gonna be a housewife. so much for studying.
so if i update, what do i say? hmmmm. i had dance perf on cca bazaar day. it was kinda alright. but i think it was messy.... shit. and i feel like im a huge problem. so i must work it. but i hate drills since sec 1. baaaaaad experience baby.
and im dying to get hold of a cameraaaaaaaaaa.
my birthday's coming im turning 18. so im gonna go get my license soon. this license would be very impt to me. then i can drive anywhere with my dad's carrrrrrrr. whopee. I CANT WAIT.
shit. i have to pass that $6 test first.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
happy new year!
i was thinking of typing out my aims this year.
but im too lazy.
so never mind. cool huh. :D
i wanna go out tdy! to anywhere.
heck my homework.
i'll be a better muslim this year. :D