Thursday, August 28, 2008
eh? why must sign in again? weird.
von's leaving tonight. like in 1.5 hours exactly. goodbye von, may you have a fulfilling freshman year in ohio. see you next summer. (:
anyway, today had been a ________ day. it took a turn in a matter of seconds.
but girls. hope can bring about disappointment. so how now brown cow?
im gonna buy ritter sport for my mum tmr at the arts forum. but definitely no coli. unlike dannyla who bought them! lol! in the middle of arts forum! LOL!
aiya. i really shouldnt care. see, im entitled to my own opinion right?
someone please say yes!
remember that song one last time: best i ever had - vertical horizon.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
here i am on a wednesday afternoon.
i know, im a frequent updater nowadays, cos like im always in front of the com and somehow my day would always either be HAPPY or sucky. ): so choose one for me everyday.
i talked to FAZ last night till about 3! :D like suddenly so nice to talk to her again. heh. and i HOPE we can meeeet sooooon! (: tweee.
FAZ! bulan puasa akan bermula minggu hadapan, saya berasa tidak sabar untuk menyambutnya dengan penuh kegembiraan dan kesyukuran. faz, faz, kita harus berbuka puasa bersama-sama suatu hari nanti ye! dan jangan lupa untuk berhari raya bersama-sama walaupun kita semua begitu sibuk dengan sekolah masing-masing ok? (:well, lets start with today. i woke up on time and all but my mum decided to send me to school so she did and i was late for calculus lab. i asked hafiz(as i reckon from the name list) how to do the shit but apparently (or not), he didnt know how. so thanks zarifah for saving me! lol! we go for lab session soon k, zarifah! and get that maple thing done! i had diarrhoea in the morning(cos i think i didnt eat at all last night eventhough i thought i wanted to eat the porridge or maggi when i came home). and i had to make a mad dash to arts fac at 9.57am. luckily for me, i managed to reach at 10.07am and it hasnt started! woofoo!
thai class is still rocking awesome! ((: teach you more thai when i finish my homework.
wanted to go ishop tdy, but nobody to go with and it was RAINING. so i headed home and slacked up till now. shld start work soon. so probably going with syazana on sat after silat or summat. (:
but before i go. silat was stress reliever. amidst all that harangue barangue of tutorials dont understand and not done. and i had cramps in my leg while i was kicking what running what all that. pain shit sia. luckily i didnt fall down cos i really had no control over my leg. it just stiffened. heh. i think cos i had high sugar level in my body since i had a can of ice lemon tea right before training. i don tknow what caused it, but somehow i dont think it's cos i didnt stretch enough. hmmm. and so the story goes and stuff.
i told faz about it. teehee! i managed to cut the whole story short. sighhh. well many things happened la huh. well i don think faz's feelings and deductions will come through/true, yet, hmmmmm. just see! :D
okay! homework time now!
psst. my mum knows sia!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
tutorials have begun!
1.dr ng remembered my name in TEN minutes. shoot the ferrari. he said he was gonna take about 2-3weeks to remember our names.
2.thai class was rocking awesome! :D
sawaddi ka, dichan chee hakimah ka. khun chee arai ka? [
translation: hellO! my name is hakimah. what is your name?]khun chee nanaa ka. [translation: her name is nana]dii may (mai)? may dii! [translation: is this good? yes it's good!]khaw ?uan may? may ?uan! [translation: is she/he fat? yes, she/he is fat] HAHA!
it was basically intonation day today. it was pretty funny but fun. it's like a singing class and it's quite hard for people like me who has an airy voice (faz and farah confirmed it)
nevertheless, looking forward to next thai class! :D
3.ate at macs tdy since eva was an central forum studying and syazana and i was at arts for tutorials, so we went to eat macs. it was my first trip there and fuyoo! cheap siaaa! :D i mean cheaper than usual price outside. haha. it was pretty packed considering it was lunch time. heh. after which we went for lecture. and both syazana and i fell asleep in calculus. HAHA. we're pretty useless aint we! hahahahhahhaha.
eh syazana! stop sleeping la! hahaha. we shld have a robot that pokes us out of our sleep. tsk tsk tsk. see you tmr yaaa.uhhuh. i think that's it. tmr is a super short day. and im looking forward to it. can go and find laptop case at ishop. :D to bring laptop or not to bring. HMMM.
lunching with farah hidayati tmr! it'll be my treat. HAHAHAH.
goodbye lovettes.
message to fazliah: why do i feel so detached from you! man. fazzzzzzzzzzzz, come to nus! )))):
Sunday, August 24, 2008
i know it's a super late post. but i have had a good day today which makes me want to blog. haha.
okay. so i slacked and did not touch any notes, as expected. i will do more tuts tmr. i promise.
went for silat training. i was EARLY! there was only like 8 of us. more came around 11.15 yea. but imagine if i had to take the bus. i'll be there only at 1130. today was agility training. woah. FUN! :D long since i actually had agility training so going back to it was seriously big time fun. HAHA. when did i last do that? in crescent? during mr samat days? i dont even remember. but dance had SOMETHING like that la huh. just less tiring and all. but it felt so refreshing to do it. like lotsa jumps and all. cool! did stuff called pasang, or so i think. pretty interesting, though i really think i look like a waddling duck. after that went to vivo for lunch. ahhh laksa! :D
went to meet farah t watch fireworks! and she asked this indian parttime nus student to join us. okay. cool! new friend! :D the fireworks were pretty yo! it only started at 915. and lasted till about 945 i think. then it was jammed and poor farah hasnt eaten yet so we went to eat bk after saying gdbye to anil (the indian guy who earns $7+K at credit suisse) dammit. yea. we chatted over her dinner. OHCRAP! I FORGOT TO PAY HER! (i'll pay you when i see you in schl, or i'll treat you to technoeedge or megabites or sth :D)and we left after syafiq called farah. yea. so she had a friend to chat with on the train ride home. so sorry! but i can take bus back, see. faster. ((:
so that was my day.
eva,ayu,farah hasinah, farah hidayati and syazana! teehee! chatted today. found out my birthdate all. hahahah! :D tell you more tell you more. TEEHEE!-ing.

i am in a state of euphoria. :D
Saturday, August 23, 2008
HELLLO! (with overwhelming enthusiasm and excitement)
i think my blog looks nice now. not so orange-y.
FINALLY! i finished linear algebra tut 1: which took ages to do cos i havent exactly revised so i kept flipping through to look for help. and i guess i did learn somethings. and finish doesnt necessarily mean that i could do all. i left 4 blanks. help, someone?
tdy, i felt like a hardworking, studious girl. i went to central library to study from 12-3pm. i got restless really but i HAD to do my tuts. so i managed to finish half of FM tut and 4/5 of computing. cos i need to check the processor speeds. damn there's still calc to check through and tut 1 all by tuesday! shit. i dont think i'll be sleeping on monday. ):
farah hidayati at her studio and made a new friend: CINDY! :D she's a dancer with synergy. coolzz.
and left schl. and i cant help noticing how inconsiderate some people are, talking on the phone in the reading area. )): not that i care, but there was the chat point! and it was pretty warm.
highlight for the schl week: mission on thursday with farah hasinah!it was
green you know? the shade i like yknow yknow? my mission was completed within 45 min since it began and farah's mission was completed at the last minute. lol. we were two
more-than-happy kids. ((: grinning from ear to ear. :D hahaha. and i have farah to thank for the book yea! :D next mission will be next week i hope. :D and sorry to danielah! TEEHEE!
tdy wasnt mission day, really. but i also have hazirah to thank for the suggestion. :D which left me all smiles! haha. those girls. tsk tsk tsk. according to them, i was wearing a telekong. HAHA! please. i have another telekong skirt at home yet to be worn to schl. now that's real telekong.
psst. syazana says we look A BIT like each other. hmmmm... (pauses to think)TUTORIALS STARTS NEXT WEEK! MADRUSHMADRUSH.
wtf?! i have a hindustan song in my wmp!
Friday, August 22, 2008
skin up! :D
i can alter skins now, but just not MAKE my own skins. ((:
twee. will blog another time.

TEEHEE! :D (psst even faz agrees!)
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
i need to start studying big time.tutorials are just next week, i havent started doing any. shit.i hope tmr will start the ball rolling for the study-holic to come back. gonna study with ayu and not so sure where. shall jsut follow. i hope sharifah can come too later. (: to von, i'll come visit you before you leave. this tuesday should if faz, i miss you. i want to spend some time with you and feel enlightened and refreshed. to dianah, i hope schl goes well for you this sem. rmb tues,weds and fridays! :Dto farah, our lunch!to ama, i finally know why you like silat so much. i like it too. :Dto jocelyn, BABE! I HAVENT SEEEN YOU FOR AGES. im still here waiting to hear your story you're supposed to tell and my story. talking about silat. on tuesday, training was pretty much just recap and i no longer had aching legs. i seriously think it was the wedge i wore for the wedding. blasted thing, i threw it away already. yea.and shakes eyebrows, ayu, you know. HAHAHA. after training, went for dinner. i htink i was so hungry, by the time i sat down, i dont feel hungry anymore. HAHA. ohwell. expected of nurul, see.before faz (and me too) gets eye sore reading this post, i shall stop. time to hurtle full speed! i shall change skin soon. when i can find the time.alright. assalamualaikum semua.
Monday, August 18, 2008
yesterday was the end of a hectic weekend.
finally i can settle down and concentrate on school and start studying.
on friday, i had lunchwith
nur eva and
mas ayu at megabites. after which, i went home and started working on the wedding like a
superf16. i printed out my artworkadn went searching for a cardboard box all over the place; downstairs, all rubbish dumps, the rubbish collection centre, and esso. drove to sheng siong to buy 4kg of icing sugar and maggi. came home, iced the cupcakes with soft icing, and then let it to dry. cut up the cardboard box. packed the cupcakes, and stuff and the list of activities goes on.
on saturday, morning was already a rush. iron my baju kurung, only to realise i didnt bring it to silat to change into it and leave for the wedding immediately. shit. ): then went off for silat and i bindly wore a slipper that doesnt match and to drive. and that slipper is damn slippery so my feet keep on slipping out of the slipper. sent my aunt home first then got onto aye to get to school. i almost got lost cos i didnt know which exit i had to exit to. but all was well. reached, it hasnt started (luckily) then we started
warmups. which was the
bomb. honestly. literally and metaphorically. but it wsa so good to stretch like that again after the last dance session earlier on this yr. :D i just love warmups. i feel so
relaxed after that and
felt so gooooooood. :D :D so we started silat. we had to do like a kuda-kuda. like for dance. but it's so long since i did them, my legs were atrociously aching. i had to leave earlier at one. in my rush of getting home by 120 to have time to bathe and change, i forgot to do cool downs. and now,
im aching 360degrees. shit. and there's training tmr, i dont know how to recover by tmr. im really aching everywhere. my front and back thighs, front and back calf, and shoulders. that's really everywhere cos they are joints and limbs. ):
rushed to toapayoh to go with the rombongan. then reached tampines next to tp for the akad nikah.
the deco were gorgeous! :D and the food was delicious! :D the wedding cake, was so grand! i love it! so we came back. came home and started doing up the signboards. cutting pasting, and more cutting cos my dad said it's better to use a whole board than half of the drawing block size. but luckily for me, he cut up the super bigboard for me. i wanted to wrap the signboard but there wasnt enough plastic to wrap! damnit.
my mum assured me that it wouldnt rain on sunday. (take note of this) then helped with more face stuff for the wedding cake. i got so tired i went up and used the com to relax. HAHAH.
on sunday. left home pretty early. after ironing my baju kurung (again!) to wear for the day. started the day by putting up the freaking signboards. it was effing hot. i successfully drench my spag inside. luckily i wore that spag otherwise my songket will be drenched as well. during the majlis, i was supposed to do kendarat. but there wasnt much things to do.
suddenly, heavy rain poured. DAMN! my signboards, i dont wanna know what happened to it. but managed to save one. then dont know how, i follwed the rombongan to tampines again to the girl's side. stayed there a while to eat and bergambar. came back and all and continued with kendarat thing. 10 minutes later, my aunt asked me to take photos.
SHE BOUGHT A DSLR! OMG. so cool. i ended up playing with it my whole time. take photos of the cake la, the pelamin la. random shots la. the whole thing la. many many. i was so pleased with my batch of shots that day. HAHAHAH. :D i left for home at 430, took cab with my bro. i had class dinner that night.
class dinner. I SAW PIN AGAIN! :D it was really joyous to see people you spent two yrs with again. jeff looks smart and cool in the uniform. :D aliff looks like he gained weight. ahhaha. i was sitting with them cos i came late. pin looks sooooooooooooooooooooooo pretty! :D ahhhhhhhh. meiyi looks really good too! nette, i havent seen her in school or anywhere! ): meixia, our future doctor as well, still looks cute as ever. (: haaaaaaa. jiayi looks nice. and shufen and eileen still the same. jean and lauren also the same. wongyongxian, no need to saw. ohyes. ANDREW LOOKS SO MUCH BETTER. hahahahha. mingsheng, i saw him the other day in school, no diff. then aly and germaine, i like germaine's permed hair. though it was so long ago. hahahahah yea. ling, ah im going to miss her when she leaves. ):
thats it for the night. i think. i came home feeling happy and refreshed though still tired and aching.
im fasting today. leaving for school at 1pm. (: twee.
assalamualaikum semua!
woah what a long post.
i miss my girlfriends. ):
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
ahh! HELLO!
its been a very long time since i blogged. now i finally found the time and mood. :D
okay. so much has happened. okay. basically im in the process of immersing myself into school. and thats a good sign; at least im not so ut of touch with school and im making new freidn each day like asking their name, what do they do and which school they're from. that's a good start. :D hooray to hakimah.
on saturday, i went to watch fireworks with my little cousins. yea. it was fun though with kids but really cute la. and the fireworks, needless t say, were gorgeous. ((:
on sunday, what did i do? let me see. AH. went to a jemputan. eh no, that was saturday. oh went tahlil and then to causeway point and stayed home for the rest of the day. yea. nothing much i guess.
MONDAY! my frst school day in NUS! :D began classes at 2. i was just in time. bought calculus text which was heavy shit and linear algebra notes book. yup. and calculus was nice. linear algebra was interesting though i got REALLY tired. ): i yawned countless times. so yea. it was a back t back lecture, so it explains. and on thurdsday, im gonna have the same 2-6 lecture. haha. and gosh, what was i thinking. it'll just make mybutt expand.
tuesday. tadadada! it was a very empty day i guess. had fundamentals at 8. i reached just in time. maybe i should try taking the morning bus instead. it took me 1 hr 15 min to reach school by taking the train then bus. gah. ): then at 10 slacked around and chilled with syazana (a math major too! :D) went t the science library and just sit there yea. theni went home taking 963 whihc took ONLY 25 minutes! :D woohoo. good transport system. in the afternoon ayu (another new found friend but she's so funny and very easy t get along with, a chem major) called and met up with her at lot 1. after which we went to silat welcome tea. (: ahhh. here's where the day kinda end on a high note for me.
silat. can you just imagine me doing silat at all? no? i guessed just as much. neither do i. but seriously. silat. i didnt know i had that much strength in me and all along i thought i was the lembut shit, carry 20 kg like want t die like that and when people push me i will fling all the way back king of thing? yea. but i did not! i had so much fun trying out some moves and it was honestly perspire inducing. WOO! what a great time-to-lose-weight programme! :D maybe thi s is my shot to prevent myself from being a larger elephantess. (:
that's all i think. school is at 12. leaving home around 11.15 (:
for now, im sending my love to all.
assalamualaikum semua!
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
so school is starting next week.
i have 3 more fireworks days to enjoy. yeap.
anyway, there's so many things i want to do and accomplish, but i just have no time or resources or just worried that i wont have enough time which has thus made me not do anythign about it.
1. i wanna DANCE. like attend classes since i cant join dance in nus. there's ballet i wanna do and of course hip hop and jazz.
2. i wanna FLY. like join the Singapore Flying Club and FLY a plane. i saw the aviation course at TP that my brother intends to take up and they require 10 points for olevels. if i dont get to fly, i want my brother to. at least, there's a future pilot in the family.
3. i wanna be part of a movement.
i want to make a difference. everyone was born to make a difference. it's just a matter of the effort you put in. and really, i wanna do something for a good cause. of course, it'll be great if it's children-related.
lastly, i still want to be that
paediatric. that has always been
my dream. let me have that will to persevere through math major and go overseas after that.
time to search for possible unis in australia! :Dno songs in my mind now to share!
Sunday, August 03, 2008
ahhhh. here's my brand new post.
i went t watch NDP PREVIEW! teh cooolz. i love the
black knights man. they really make my heart skip a beat. and of course the
red lions! not to mention the
fireworks! <3
i love anything to do with the great, vast never ending sky. and i love stuff that are high up in the air and things that fly. except for birds but when birds fly, they amaze me. i've always wanted to fly. i want to fly aeroplanes. big/small, i dont care. but not those remote controlled planes please. but the combat planes,
they just have that swift factor and they are damn sexy. and they COMBAT(when used for combat). i really like it. the pilots are definitely my idols.
they have confidence and are risktakers. they even have GRRRRRREAT discipline and teamwork. this is what people should be. you have to have that confidence even when you think you're going to fail:
so have confidence to fail as well. it helps yknow.
then azam came down to my seat. amazingly, he found me! HAHA. in all that mass white caps everywhere and i was wearing a white tudung. HAHAHA. you did a great job azam! LOL. and so i intro-ed him to my mum. blabla. yea. and so we said goodbye. i wasnt quite paying as much attention to him while talking cos he found me a little wrong time as the statues were very very innovative, i just HAD to look at them. i was wondering how they managed to elevate the thing and look like some marbled pillar. turns out i missed the elevating part cos i turned back. HAHA. and the marbled pillars were just A LOT OF CLOTH. cool stuff. ((: makes me want to participate in the ndp. i've always loved performing too. (:
i've got to make new friends at NUS. really. soon. better be. cos like right now, ive got that lack of network in nus since i didnt attend any camps so i cant quite get the info i want. like what time do i have to report for flag day on tuesday, like when the hell is the inaug thing!? i dont know shit really. oh wells.
ive been talking to weehoe a lot lately! hahahaha. of all random stuff yea. and i told him i like jazz singers (WTF?!) just cos that
nathan hartono sang at the parade. LOL. eh but his voice damn good eh!
took lotsa photos with farah hidayati. ((: when she came by my place to do the shit bidding. :D her witch yoo hee is still with me though! hahaha.
and talking about bidding, i cant emphasise more how i hate this whole bidding idea. sigh. disliking school already when it hasnt even started! )):
Friday, August 01, 2008
this has got to be one of those last few posts before i start my new life in nus.
-takes deep breath.
there are some things which i like to change about myself. after talking and much small occurences in these past few days, it has dawned on me, my flaws are serious flaws.
1. i should be more decisive. what the hell, no.
can you imagine.
just how many people i asked whether to choose a lenovo or a fujitsu laptop?
Just how long i talked over the phone with FOSB t discuss and then convince me to choose one of them?
just how many dreams i had dreaming about which laptop was good - that i even dreamt myself being at the fujitsu service centre twice?
jsut how mnay times i flipped over the two brochures again and again to see which appeals me?
just how many coins or random stuff i chose and then let FOSB t choose. from coins to shoes or bags to mrt or lrt. WTF?!
it's that bad, honestly. eventually, i went up to the two booths at school tdy (technically ytd) to try carrying the laptop. and so fujitsu wins.
2. i will not be hypocritical and less bitchy if not bitchy at all.
i didnt think it was THAT bad, maybe it isnt but it's getting more and more apparent. i should really stop being a bitch. i will change that about myself. those are really sinful (literally). tell me why tell me why im like this. I WILL CHANGE.
and from that point, i fell asleep. HAHA. cos i rested my head on the pillow.
so here my post continues. NEXT!