Monday, September 29, 2008
oh gosh.
i cant quite believe what i just read. but yes, i did read what i read.
not that i freaking care. it doesnt matter. but it came as a shock though it was sort of expected.
ah. let's move on. we all know what was gonna happen in the end didnt we? we just wished that it wouldnt happen. but HAHA. there's nothing to rejoice for.
and so ive been studying like a mad donkey/dog. but farn said dogs dont study. so im a smart dog.
midterms this week!
insyaallah, i'll do okay.
please God, guide me through. bring peace to my heart and mind please.
puasa ending! )):
but happy that i did all the terawih i can every night that i can. :D
and dianah, you do know that little shocks brings tears to my eyes. ):
dianaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! you're badly needed! but it's for such a trivial matter.
i havent said these words with much meaning for a long time.
i love you. (what? last year?)
but i mean to say it to my mum and dad on wednesday morning. i love you ibu, ayah.
goodnight all!
and for people who tell me every night to sleep earlier and dont study too hard, i will take care of myself. thanks love. (:
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
i went to town (finally! after weeks!) to buy my kasut raya! :D
if it had not been for the company, i would have taken much longer to decide on the shoes cos it is generally the most expensive girl shoes i ever bought and also the highest pair of heels i would have, if i bought it.
and so i bought it! :D

and it matches almost every colour baju kurung i have in my wardrobe! :D yay.
pretty right. :D except that my feet ugly. :/
okay back to studying. goodbye lovettes.
and shit, i missed iftar seehhhh cos ayah tak kasiiii. ape sehhhh! )):
Monday, September 22, 2008

okay okay okay!
im back and i know some people are missing me! :D HAHAHA.
shut up already, hakimah.
okay so here's the deal.
i'll study like a donkey this week. period.
i had a sad sad weekend, having to go geylang on both saturday and sunday. it was very uhc an eyesore. and i finally bought first day raya baju kurung which is GREEN! :D jengjengjeng, i feel like a raintree. silat, was fun as always. though it was painful on the thigh muscles and joints. then i had 6 people crammed at the back, with zuraimi in the front passenger seat. (:
the pitiful 6 people were: amirah, kamielah, nasuha, sharifah, naim and chong. lol! i'll get a bigger car next time. ;) they were squashed i think, and we got lost somehow cos we made a wrong left turn. hahaha. it doesnt matter. we were all safe. (:
my deal is still on.
i hanged out at farah's studio on friday afternoon, from 215 till 515. woah. and her friends are funny people. we talked and talked and talked and talked. woah i feel better talking about it though i think i wasnt supposed to say it to anyone at all. HAH.
but anyway, whatever i said to her, i think those were final. im not feeling all that weird-ism anymore. i feel relaxed now that im back on track. so dear farah hasinah, i need to tell you something.
to faz, breathe easy girl. (:
went to school today to study. i thought it went pretty well for me cos i managed to get done whatever i wanted to do plus got started on linear algebra and i need serious help with that. but hakim had an unproductive day, or so he said. HMMM. luqman gave me nano nano sweets! :D heeheeeheee. i miss that. eh look for the melody thing soon eh! and i forgot to ask fatin to miss call me. :/
tmr will be a study group day: initiative of farhan (whom i have a slight impression of alr) and then remedial. WHAT UNI STUDENT HAS REMEDIAL SEH! ):
okay till then, when i have time to blog again, i wonder when, take care darls. (:
p/s. project AVOID;
Thursday, September 18, 2008
well, it's been long.
one day at a time.
you dont have to figure out why.
you just know it.
but what happens when you dont know what's going on?
stress, leave it.
why take it so hard?
she finally knows who you are.
she is letting it go.
but dont you think it was almost impossible to say so.
why, we just need to pull through.
thank you for being my friend. (:
i spent hours studying lately! and ifnally i can relax on a thursday night! :D im gonna have to try to learn how to use that photoshop. hmmm. and and and. im missing hearts.
baked brownies for farah's birthday! :D i really really hope it's nice. teeheeeee! i owe ayu brownies too! oops! sorry! and there was one revelation that left me disgusted. whenever i think about it, i get jitters. there's another revelation, and i somewhat feel happy about it now. :D honestly, really.
i sleep tonight, in peace. (:
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
ahhh. im anticipating to type many many words tonight. (:
okay. so.
the weekend has passed. i slept a lot. enough to put me back to full battery. but somehow, my batteries are diminishing at an incredible speed.
it has been schoolwork these days. ):
since i end at 12 today, i rushed home to slack. i intended to sleep really, but i didnt cos i got stuck at the com playing games and reading stuff and watching vids. HAHA. then after zohor, i started my homework.
i managed to finish my calculus tutorial! :D and not forgetting fundamentals too! :D but i fell asleep trying to prove qn 7 of fundamentals. i even dreamt i found the answer but when i woke up, i realised my dream was a proof to a different qn which was already proven. the more i think, the more i fell asleep and i slept till 6. at the study table. HAHA.
nurul nurul, tidur atas katil tak nak!
tonight, im gonna do computing. hmmm. i still have a lot to revise! so i shall do that later too. otherwise there'll be tmr afternoon. (:

my brother had a war with all his artwork in the hall. psst. his theme is war!
i remember i used to do the same to the whole living room floor or dining table or room floor to do my homework and revision and it'll look like a warzone.
love yall lovettes!
Thursday, September 04, 2008
before i start my study bonanza proper.
this is totally un-fun anymore. ): and i really dont like it. i want to live and breathe and have hiccups in peace, yo.
i fell asleep watching fundamentals webcast at home the night before. im gonna watch it again and please hakimah, stay awake.
im finally catching up in school though i have additional self exercises to do. will do this weekend if i dont go out.
just when i feel rejuvenated, something just has to pull me down a little.
but my darlings will know i'll definitely pick up in no time.
okay faz, your bag how! and i need pants! dianah, i want to spend some quality time with you! farah hidayati, you've been missing in school! ): mojojojo, after fasting k! and all of you, i need a beeeeeg hug! ):ohyea. today was amazingly alive day. syazana fell asleep a little in both calculus and linear algebra but it's a
GREAT IMPROVEMENT! well, she still owes me clodhoppers and stuff! LOL! eh, syazana, paper and pens are great tools to keep us awake. and and i dont abuse you sehhhh! haha. seeeee you tmr! :D and im serious about what i told you online. and sakura please! :D
goodbye lovettes.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
okay. there has been so many things going on lately that i seriously have no time for myself like sitting down and just look at the sky to admire god's creations.
1. fasting month is here and im seriously looking forward to a very good one. the previous one had been pretty much atrocious and i am not keen at all to share why. ):
2. ups and downs and ins and outs of little sweet admirations.
3. went to the RSAF open house on sunday and ohmygorgeousdelights! the planes were simply amazing. the materials used are really like weight, they are like really light, i was stroking, okay touching, the body of the plane it was quite flimsy yet sturdy. how to say? hmmm. some light metal. that's why it is able to take flight! and if you look into the mechanism and all those switches and pipes, woah, that really awed me. i took photos! but i guess i'll share them when i have more time to transfer the photos. now, no time.
but in any case, we didnt get to watch the aerial display cos it was at 5 and we missed the 1030 show and it'll be too late to wait for 5pm. so my brother and i left and took a shuttle to eunos from where my parents fetch us home! :D nevertheless, i love planes even more now! :D
4. school.
what about school! there's so many things about school that i'll limit this portion to studies. hmm.
i really think im gonna be a mama panda by the end of this sem. calculus is draining, linear algebra is at the time being easy but tedious; and to think he said it's gonna get harder (crap). then there's fundamentals. which is seriously common sense, but they make it uncommon yknow.
ive been staying up till late these past few days tyring to do tut after tut after tut which are never ending. havent even finish one tut, another has been posted up! we aint no robots yo. and ive yet to do textbook exercises and read through for the fifth time fundamental notes from lect 1-6! holy. seriously, it's so easy to grasp and yet so easy to forget.
and i finally know the bus schedule! :D
i leave home at 6.55am to walk like the contrapositive of a turtle/snail and catch the 6.59am bus or later. then i'll reach school bus stop around 7.40, walk in 10 min and tada! i'm on time for lect/tut. but 963 comes in pairs in the morning! so better catch either one! :D
leaving school on a late day. i better catch that 5.40pm bus or it'll be sardines when the next bus comes.
hurray to hakimah.
see you around lovettes!
and my new friends are coooooooo!