this is a photo courtesy of luqman.though this is slightly late,
sekiranya hakimah sudah melakukan kesilapan terhadap sesiapa sahaja, mahupun hakimah tersalah cakap, tersinggung perasaan sewaktu bergurau senda, termarah, termaki, terkasar bahasa atau lain-lain, secara sengaja atau tidak, hakimah hendak minta maaf banyak banyak, seandainya hakimah hanyalah seorang manusia yang tidak terlepas dari dosa. hakimah berharap apa sahaja ibadah yang telah kita lakukan sepanjang bulan ramadhan yang baru berlalu, diterima oleh yang Maha Esa. Amin.
selain itu, hakimah juga berharap agar dapat bertemu dengan mereka yang sudah lama tidak bersua.
finally. i feel awake.
i realise i havent said these. not as a protocol though.
here's whats been happening (:
(1) i had midterms for the whole of this week except monday. needless to say, i screwed all of them up. big time yo. that's it for midterms. it's rly saddening to even think about it now. ):
been studying the week before at central library and home. been doing nothing but study. been reading nothing but notes. been writing nothing but maths. yea. lifes hard yo.
(2) raya.
for the first time in my whole entire life, this year, i cried. i really cried. when i heard the azan yang syahdu, sayu rasanya. it was the last day of ramadhan already. i felt sad that i felt that good and accomplished this year in the month of ramadhan. why didnt i see the beauty and appreciate it all these while. i felt sad i didnt make maximise ramadhan's potential in 2007 when that was the time that should have been of utmost impt. but now im grateful. im loving eery moment of it. i miss ramadhan now. i had such discipline and a lot of time in my hands and less worry. now, everything's back to normal, i cant wait for it to come again next year.
then the takbir. it came like a "pang!". tears started to well up in my eyes. i had to keep looking up to the lights or look down at my food and not look elsewhere just to hide it but my bro had to stare at me all the time. :/ i dont know why, but it felt like it was the last takbir i was gonna hear with my parents. i really really want to hear takbir with my parents again next year and for many years to come. insyaAllah. then flashes of past mistakes i did came back to me. how wrong i was to believe that it was all gonna be alright. my sins came flooding back. i felt a huge burden of sins on my shoulders i wish i could turn back time, but what's done cannot be undone. with that takbir, i want to be a better person. my parents going pilgrimage in nov, i can feel my desire to go mekah already, but it's just not time yet. i just hope i'll live to see kaabah one day.
as for my parents going pilgrimage, that's another story. its a whole new feeling.
first day of raya on wednesday was a total blast! :D i tookayye many many photos at my mum's side. ahh. i like it there. and ate lotsa satay! :D and eclairs and yeaaaa. i was spamming my cousin's new cam (which im going to buy soon) with many many photos. its normal, that's what you get of hakimah when she doesnt charge her cam batt the day before. pictures will say it all! :D
today, i became a...maid/waitress? i was simply serving up drinks over and over, fried more chicken, filled kuih, refill kerepek, hidang lauk-pauk, potong ketupat/lontong, wash plates/cups. yea. cos many many people came over.
in the morning, i went to the florist and bought roses! :D went to the market to get vegetable and other groceries, went to top up petrol, buy ice all by myself! :D and i was a good female driver (for the most part). but really, i could do a three point turn that is only as large as one half lanes! :D
yea. this year, there's lots of jalan raya to do with friends. i wonder if i'll have the time to fix everyone's houses in. but it wont be fun if we dont go for all right, girls?
lots of plans this week! bnj, silat, settlers, more raya and lots of catching up to doooo.
can i have a 48hour day? pretty please with cheesecake and strawberries on the top?