Thursday, December 25, 2008
present day is here for many! :D
and so since you guys are getting lotsa presents, why dont you donate some to me. HEHE.
had a picnic today with my aunts,nyai and cousins! at east coast. LUCKY AH. not many matminahs around. glee. my cousin and i were like some childhood deprived kids playing with sand and colourful plastic pails. fun though. hahaha. frisbee and taiti and food. basic picnic details. ((:
bowling ytd. sucked big time. but the two guys were superbly cool or whaaaat. curl and slow balls. after which we went to eat at al-azhar. at the end of the day, we ended up in amk. LOL! how the hell did we get there in the first place huh. HUR. but it was a very pleasant day i must say! :D
tmr i need to shop. like really shop. must find clothes to wear for school next sem! :\ cousins day out cos faz and i cancelled on each other. that girl, she deserves a good smack. and she's planning to ambush me.
MAKNENEK NI MEMANG NAK KENAAAA!ohshit! i forgot about the kiteflying thing! DAMN. k i better reply farah! sorrrrrrrryyy! i totally forgot! :\
two weeks. i better not count.
oh, christmas present! :D
Sunday, December 21, 2008
i surprise myself sometimes.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
replies to tags!
-: who are you talking about and who are you?farah: yes! you see your name darling! :D when are we to go out!soef: eh! have a little trust babe! when are we to go out tooo!theonewhocallsMEkentang: you took 9637328985490 years to find my tagboard! zomg. :D SHH LAH.dianah: MONDAY MONDAY MONDAY MONDAY!anonymous: you are?eva: HEEEE. but i gotta take more more more photos soon! oh i decided to wait for christmas and see if i can get a better deal otherwise, im just buying the canon 85 unless someone wants to sponsor me the rest of the difference to buy the sony t77 ((:
when you're happy and you know it you clap your hands. (:
okay. so the cat is out of the bag between me and fazliah. (: OI YOU. KEEP IT TO YOURSELF OKAY DARLING DEAREST! :D but im definitely a better secret keeper(own secrets!) than youuu! HEE
ive been going out everyday for the past few days and i foresee myself going out everyday for the next few days. ((:
but i cooked fried black pepper spaghetti for my bro today. mmm. i think it tasted good. (:
today was pretty much unexpected really. i thought ikea was the only place we'd go and possibly somewhere near and perhaps be home by maghrib or what. but no. :D *skips with glee* that was my first trip to m.b and it was real nice. (: good suggestion i must say which caught me by surprise and happiness. :DDDD we stayed there for some 1.5 hours.
it was seriously a very very calming place. i like that place. and i have Andy to thank for taking me there. (: i can just look at the sea and feel real calm and not think of anything. then we went to battery road to have prayers while i jsut sat by the river staing the the lights and the word "asian civilisation museum" ahhhh. and the wind. ((: nice place nice place! then we walked over to teluk/tanjung gelojoh (HAHAHAHAHA!) to eat. it was damn expensive but okay la not too bad! quite good in fact! (:
thank you. (:okay. im pretty tired. tell you more about other stuff that's going on when i have the energy to sit and stare at the com. i need to lie down.
goodnight and take care loves!
tmr! thai class dinner! (:
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
my brother is home. (:
welcome back.
no hugs no kisses, whatever la huh.
anyway, im looking forward to another interesting week this week! :D
ikea/dianah/thai class dinner/farah hasinah(i hope soon!)/helping out faz with the seminar a little/zooooo cousins please? (:
that's six activities for a week! close to one day one! (:
and marina barrage, we need to go.
for now, let's keep it real, let's keep it low. (:
i like this one photo from the outing. ((:

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
and i had a real good time these two days (:
tooosday was fazzzz day! :D we "hikeddd". walked from my house to adam road. it's very far you know but somehow, neither of us perspired much. how was that possible! :\ had good time spent with her. talking along the way, for 2.5 hrs. real good time. went to queensway and bugis in track pants. ZOHMG. but really, i think we shld have won best dressed. cos cos that's what shopping is about yo, EXERCISE! :D
gotta spend more time with her and the other three lovely crescentians soon!
next week i have more time! (:
wenssssday, today, hort park day! :D with math majors again. ((: it was seriously fun laahhhh. ive never been there, always wanted to go there and never expected to go there with them. toook a gazillion photos definitely. snapp here snap there. from pretty pics to random pics. i dont mind walking again if it's earlier in the morning so that walking can be done by noon. :DD after lunch went to vivocity and played cards. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. cards of all things, believe it. but it was seriously enjoyable. and i suddenly remembered about the monkey bar thingy syaz mentioned. i didnt see no monkey bars. hmm.
buttyflyeees? ;) :) :O :D :S :P
gotta look for present tmr. whaaaaaaaaaaaa to get for that little boy can you suggest to me.
ohnehhhh he bought watch ready cannot buy the watch i wanted to buy for him this yr. ):
and oh. i just realised, i can hold phone ocnverstaions for very very very long with only a few people. hee.
XOXO. take careeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Monday, December 08, 2008
b&j chunk fest was a HUGE disappointment. the queue wasnt just queue but
queueueueueueueueueuueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueueue was honestly snaking! okay so we didnt bother to queue for ice cream at the fest. but went to cathay for bnj instead. hmm. not surprisingly, everyone felt like having bnj that day. hmm.
so eva and i took maany many photos! and we took more photos on our way to our second sakura meal, that time with man. good company i had that day! :D:D:D:D
it's hari raya todayy. ((: selamat hari raya to all. (:
well im foreseeing that this wwek will be a good healthy week! silat is starting tmr evening, im excited to WALK to island creamery (ironic! but true) from home with my dearest darling, FAZLIAH! she deserves special mentin cos i havent seen her in a long long time. and i've ditched her twice. :\ sorry dearest!
there's also people i havent seen in the longest time and i wanna see them bad.
1. dianah2. farah3. farah hasinah4. FOSB5. soefieeeeeeeeee!ahh that pretty girl.well upcoming activites this week are real interesting. gotta get my bro's present soon. ohyea.
HE MADE ME FAST FORWARD HIS RETURN. he's coming back on friday. thanks to me. gosh he was basically pestering me! suddenly, i felt so irritated by him. ohwell, my bro will always be my bro.
till then.
i know you dont read this, but you gave me butterflies in my tummy that day. is that good or bad?
Friday, December 05, 2008
so i stayed home alone last night. it can be therapeutic actually. i kinda like staying home alone. ((: maybe, i'd want to stay at home tonight again. see how things goes when i call my aunt in a bit.
ben&jerry's chunk fest tmr! festing with evaa. ((: wheee ice creaaaaam. i need ice faz, shall i meet you on tuesday? ((: before my silat?? ((: loveeeee.ytd, i went out with my cousins too to watch BOLT at causeway point. ((: after which we went to lot 1 wanting to watch another, but there werent any shows at 4plus, so we ended up playing the arcade. FUNNNN. :D
next week, tampines mall and sushi with them! :D
here's sth i'd like to share. ((:
till then, take care all. XOXOXO.
Know that Islam is not prayer alone, nor only a pure heart. No! it is prayer and purity, love and loyalty; it is steadfsatness, good deeds and hospitality; it is pilgrimage and bearing witness; it is alms-giving and worshipping; it is struggle for the cause of Allah and sincere devotion to Him.Guidance and worship; faith, knowldege and endeavour; wisdom and dignity; paradise and hell; obedience and reverence; a community and an organized society.Islam, a coherent unit, is indivisible. It is not possible to believe one part of the Book and disbelieve another part. It must be accepted in its entirety. Working to achieve this faith means working at all of it."Be quick in the race for your Lord's forgiveness, for a garden whose width is that of all the heavens and the earth is prepared for the righteous: those who give alms, whether in prosperity or in adversity, who restrain anger and pardon their fellow men, because Allah loves those who do good."-Surah al-'Imran, The Family of 'Imran, 3:133-134
Thursday, December 04, 2008
JB TRIP TODAY WITH NUMBER LOVING KIDS! :Dahh. there was always a first time for all. took public bus! which was a long long wait at taman uni jusco. hmmm. the bowling. the a&w. the fig&olive. the walking. the factory outlets. and more walking. hmmmm. it was pretty safe going with them la. we got two reliable old guardians with us. who can actually i think take care of us and er me especially. gosh. when am i gonna grow up and be a real lady. HMM. but in any case, it was gooooood. ((: we cannnn gooooo again! and eat sth elseeee! :D
thank you eva, syazana, faris and saliman for the grrrrreat time! :Done thing for sure, i can be a serious walking disaster. damn. i need to shed off that title. dahlah im a freaking pigeon. HAHAHA. k. private joke. but in any case, i need reformation! :\
and all that confusion, i think staying the way i am now is the best. i have exceprts of convos.
he knows that i know. but i dont want to just know.
but he cant tell you in the face, cos if he does, it'll be left hanging.
but you can tell cos he shows it.
true. cos i dont know my next move. i dont know what i want. im not sure if that's what i want.
he has to be more than "nice" cos "nice" can be found easily in anyone in the future.
ahhh relationships sucks la.
im always the indecisive one. and i dont want to waste anyone's time here. )):
i want to say: i want to find something else in him apart from being just way way nice. so funny makes the cut. comforting makes the cut. "being there for you" makes a little cut today. but, again, im left undecided. i think i need sth more than that. and it'll take time.
damn long time. but time's important. what if i decide not to move. i tell you, i can seriously be a pro heartbreaker. :\ i want to say all these so that he can decide for himself.
but what do i do now.
it'll just affect friendship, my dear friend. especially when we're close. and i dont know if im pretending at the moment to not know. cos i dont pull nor push.
so what do i do now.
it's still early to say i think, i'll let nature take it's course.
gosh, im indecisive and clumsy and gah. i'll stay in my little dandy world for now, tonight.take care XOXOXO!