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Friday, January 08, 2010

well hello.

today is the very first day i stayed at home after zohor doing nothing but sitting in front of this laptop of mine playing bejeweled blitz over and over. but alas. it's so damn hard to beat scores that soars to as high as 400000. so, congratulations to myself! but i cannot beat the record of staying home on a weekdays without touching the front door the entire day. there's silat barbecue at labrador park tonight. makes me think twice about going because my dad didnt really say a yes. so. hur.

i started the year of 2010 on the bed whiling my time away. so far, all's good! i had a badminton (which i generally suck at) game yesterday with maths kids and their other halves. yay! we should play more badminton next time! or lets try something else? and hafiz will go buy kites for us at marine parade for $2 and we shall go marina barrage ok! :D the last time i flew a kite was...i dont remember.

of 2009.

main achievement: cap up! and pulled off a shocking A for soci. HAHAHAHA. insya'Allah, if i continue to work hard with saliman's "belajaaaaar!!", i will continue to push my cap up for the next three semesters and possible do honours. all these will require lots of energy. and thank you saliman!

let's go by halves.

1st half 2009: lots of playing. not good. nevertheless no more Ds (dang that linear algebra) in my results. school was a lot more socializing and studying sat somewhere mid priority until the exams drew near 2 weeks before. not good. holidays was....ivp! :D which turned out ooooookay. cant wait for next ivp. had a bigger smile then and concentration was really off.

2nd half 2009: major withdrawal from play. good but not good. more consistent in work and more focused. still cant challenge the long attention span of somebody else though. smiled less due to tiredness, stress and i cant think of other reasons right now. but results wise, much better and now reaping the effects of better results. (: thoroughly enjoyed my holidays. travelled far and wide. ok rubbish. to batam and kl only.

ok. im done. resolution for this year is still being considered.

but target for next semester: continue what i did last semester. OMG. ))))))): okay. lead a balanced lifestyle. dont forget play. shop only when necessary; excludes weekly or bi-weekly window shopping. save money wherever possible. always been doing that anyway. watch movies only when the show looks good. HAHAHAHA. be more active and not passive. smile more.

to faz. omg i havent seen since i dont know when. not that i've forgotten you. )):
to dianah. i'm not free on tuesdays and fridays. other days sounds perfect. :D
to farah hidayati and soefie. i will lunch with you at least once a month in school.
to abg mi. bila nak belanje ni!! (not like u read this anyway HAHA)
to silat. i will put in more effort. i try.
to fad. we should stop typing typos.

Sunday, January 03, 2010

i was simply too busy or too tired or too lazy. but really, words dont come easy anymore. my brain is currently in melayu-habis mode.

jadi apa kata, kita tunggu sampai mode ini berlalu. maka, akan saya menulis tentang wawasan 2010 saya dan beberapa pendapat tentang tahun 2009 yang sudahpun lepas pada malam ini ataupun malam esok.

sekian. (:

HAHAHAA. nota untuk diri sendiri: tulis dalam bahasa melayu dah terabur haprak! sudahlah!